Schall im Schilf 22
Year: 2022
Typology: Stage
Client: Kellerkind
Address: Am See 1, 85748 Garching
Photos: Benjamin Herchert
After a two-year break, the "Schall im Schilf Festival" made its comeback, for which the stage design for the 2022 edition was also rethought, conceptually redeveloped and implemented. The arrangement and composition were determined and realized according to the principle of information transfer. The stage set, which is supposed to represent a large satellite dish, functioned as a source of sound and light, which transmits information to its surroundings through electromagnetic radiation. The eight smaller satellites on the dance floor functioned as amplifiers which further supported or accelerated the signal and passed it on to the visitors. These impulses arrive at the guest as a receiver, are processed and executed individually. According to this principle of amplified information transfer, the effect and interpretation could be increased and multiplied once again.
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Schall im Schilf 22
Year: 2022
Typology: Stage
Client: Kellerkind
Address: Am See 1, 85748 Garching
Photos: Benjamin Herchert
After a two-year break, the "Schall im Schilf Festival" made its comeback, for which the stage design for the 2022 edition was also rethought, conceptually redeveloped and implemented. The arrangement and composition were determined and realized according to the principle of information transfer. The stage set, which is supposed to represent a large satellite dish, functioned as a source of sound and light, which transmits information to its surroundings through electromagnetic radiation. The eight smaller satellites on the dance floor functioned as amplifiers which further supported or accelerated the signal and passed it on to the visitors. These impulses arrive at the guest as a receiver, are processed and executed individually. According to this principle of amplified information transfer, the effect and interpretation could be increased and multiplied once again.
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